Thomas Dimuzio’s Mono::Poly is the first joint production between Asphodel and Gench Music. A double CD set, Mono::Poly anthologizes the best of Dimuzio’s live solo performances and collaborations with fellow experimental musicians, moving across multiple genre and cultural boundaries. Featuring the talents of collaborators and friends such as Invisbl Skratch Pikl's Q-Bert, Tigerbeat6 hip-hop deconstructionist Wobbly, Henry Cow alumni and noted soloists Chris Cutler and Fred Frith, Scot Jenerik, Atau Tanaka and more, Mono::Poly is a terrific introduction to a brilliant artist working at the top of his form. Released October 2002.
- Gench & Asphodel
Mono::Poly Bonus Tracks
- 01 :: 05.11.1997 :: blind lion :: monterey pop festival :: monterey ca (2.7 MB)
- 02 :: 02.22.1998 :: fragg :: komotion :: san francisco ca (2.6 MB)
- 03 :: 01.25.2001 :: half spline :: the luggage store :: san francisco ca (2.7 MB)
- 04 :: 09.13.1998 :: southshore :: kpfa-fm :: berkeley ca (2.6 MB)
- 05 :: 09.22.2000 :: mince treet :: norcal noisefest :: sacramento ca (2.7 MB)
- 06 :: 05.03.2001 :: octone :: san francisco electronic music festival :: san francisco ca (3.8 MB)
- 07 :: 05.15.1999 :: method in time :: sandcrawler :: oakland ca (5.0 MB)
- 08 :: 03.21.2001 :: black and white :: knitting factory :: new york ny (2.1 MB)
- 09 :: 05.20.2000 :: we are they :: big sur experimental music festival :: big sur ca (1.3 MB)
- 10 :: 02.24.2000 :: shorn :: portlite :: oakland ca (2.1 MB)
- 11 :: 06.27.2001 :: skullshop :: cw saloon :: san francisco ca (1.5 MB)
- 12 :: 08.06.1999 :: poctoth :: cwu :: santa cruz ca (1.9 MB)
- 01 :: 03.23.2001 :: chronometer :: scott arford :: wkcr-fm :: new york ny (4.1 MB)
- 02 :: 05.20.1997 :: green auspice :: nick didkovsky :: harvestworks :: new york ny (3.9 MB)
- 03 :: 07.20.2000 :: betty pearlman :: illusion of safety :: kfjc-fm :: los altos hills ca (2.0 MB)
- 04 :: 09.11.1999 :: treen :: chris cutler fred frith :: bottom of the hill :: san francisco ca (1.7 MB)
- 05 :: 11.20.1999 :: lode :: zipperspy :: stork club :: oakland ca (5.5 MB)
- 06 :: 12.16.1999 :: first starcraft treatise :: solid eye :: the luggage store :: san francisco ca (3.0 MB)
- 07 :: 05.13.2000 :: tanker :: scot jenerik :: kzsu-fm :: palo alto ca (4.3 MB)
- 08 :: 02.16.2001 :: norwich blurment :: anna homler :: sfsu :: san francisco ca (1.6 MB)
- 09 :: 02.25.2001 :: ordinal :: wobbly yasuhiro otani :: kfjc-fm :: los altos hills ca (1.5 MB)
- 10 :: 09.16.1999 :: boots :: the jet black hair people :: justice league :: san francisco ca (1.2 MB)
- 12 :: 06.26.2001 :: brique :: craig baldwin :: the lab :: san francisco ca (2.1 MB)
- 13 :: 02.28.2002 :: station :: kadet kuhne :: the luggage store :: san francisco ca (2.7 MB)
Thomas Dimuzio’s Mono::Poly is the first joint production between Asphodel and Gench Music. A double CD set, Mono::Poly anthologizes the best of Dimuzio’s live solo performances and collaborations with fellow experimental musicians, moving across multiple genre and cultural boundaries. Featuring the talents of collaborators and friends such as Invisbl Skratch Pikl's Q-Bert, Tigerbeat6 hip-hop deconstructionist Wobbly, Henry Cow alumni and noted soloists Chris Cutler and Fred Frith, Scot Jenerik, Atau Tanaka and more, Mono::Poly is a terrific introduction to a brilliant artist working at the top of his form. Released October 2002.
mono :: thomas dimuzio solo ::
- 01 :: 09.22.2000 :: wince meet :: northern california experimental music festival :: sacramento ca
- 02 :: 03.21.2001 :: cold fusion off broadway :: knitting factory :: new york ny
- 03 :: 05.20.2000 :: applebutter grove :: big sur experimental music festival :: big sur ca
- 04 :: 05.03.2001 :: sone sewn blue :: 2nd annual san francisco electronic music festival :: 7Hz :: san francisco ca
- 05 :: 02.22.1998 :: divide by zero :: komotion :: san francisco ca
- 06 :: 02.24.2000 :: within the box :: port lite :: oakland ca
- 07 :: 05.11.1997 :: baste :: monterey pop festival :: monterey ca
- 08 :: 01.25.2001 :: anti-body :: anti-matter :: the luggage store gallery :: san francisco ca
- 09 :: 09.13.1998 :: conveyor :: kpfa 94.1 fm :: berkeley ca
- 10 :: 05.15.1999 :: minutia of method :: sandcrawler :: oakland ca
- 11 :: 03.25.2001 :: rubberburn :: tonic :: new york ny
- 12 :: 08.06.1999 :: nocturne :: cwu :: santa cruz ca
poly :: thomas dimuzio with ::
- 01 :: 11.20.1999 :: columbia :: zipperspy :: stork club :: oakland ca
- 02 :: 02.16.2001 :: sidereal rust :: anna homler :: knuth hall :: san francisco state university :: san francisco ca
- 03 :: 12.16.1999 :: tiny little hydrants :: solid eye :: the luggage store gallery :: san francisco ca
- 04 :: 11.19.2000 :: summer Valley :: chris cutler and fred frith :: knitting factory :: hollywood ca
- 05 :: 05.13.2000 :: permafrost :: scot jenerik :: 4th annual cyberbuss costume ball :: san francisco ca
- 06 :: 07.20.2000 :: undefined, unresolved & ill-equipped :: illusion of safety :: kfjc 89.7 fm :: los altos hills ca
- 07 :: 03.23.2001 :: edison :: scot arford :: wkcr 89.9 fm :: new york ny
- 08 :: 05.20.1997 :: 1 birth in the hand & a 100 on the fly :: nick didkovsky
- 09 :: 02.25.2001 :: i have your problem :: wobbly and yasuhiro otani :: kfjc 89.7 fm :: los altos hills ca
- 10 :: 09.16.1999 :: the blunt end is used :: the jet black hair people :: Justice League :: san francisco ca
- 11 :: 02.27.1997 :: revenge of toad brain :: dj qbert
- 12 :: 03.11.2001 :: misguided :: atau tanaka
- 13 :: 02.28.2002 :: immediatism (coda) :: kadet kuhne :: the luggage store gallery :: san francisco ca